Never mere settings, the spaces in which cinematic stories take place have the capacity to invoke, represent, convey, and reinforce narratives. As spaces and landscapes intertwine with stories and actors, they make the tales of the world we know visible, and those of worlds we can only imagine possible and real.
“Cinema and Architectural Imagination” is a student-led series of conversations about the various ways in which the imagination of the built environment, architecture, landscape, and urban environments is mediated through film. Throughout the semester, it will discuss films from various genres, periods, geographies, and cultures, and explore the power of architectural imagination within the world of moving images. Each film will be available to registered members of the MIT community, following a public Zoom discussion with the presenters, unless indicated otherwise below.
Curated by Eliyahu Keller
Assistant: James Vincent Brice
Please join the public virtual discussions on the following dates:
Friday, 03/12, 6 PM EST
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977), Dir. George Lucas. Presented by Nicholas de Monchaux and Caroline Jones
Join the Zoom discussion
Friday, 04/02, 6 PM EST
Ghost in the Shell (1995), Dir. Mamoru Oshii. Presented by Malcolm Rio and James Brice
Join the Zoom discussion
Wednesday, 4/21, 6 PM EST
Small Talk (2016), Dir. Hui-chen Huang. Presented by Rosalyne Sheih and Marianna Gonzalez-Cervantes
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Wednesday, 05/05, 6 PM EST
The Favourite (2018), Dir. Yorgos Lanthimos. Presented by Elizabeth Browne and Delanie Linden
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Friday, 05/14, 6 PM EST
Cinematic Migrations: A Conversation with Renée Green and ACT Alumni on Time, Space, Movement, and Essayistic Forms
Join the Zoom discussion
Funded in part by the Council for the Arts at MIT

For questions and more details please reach out to:
Eliyahu Keller -
James Brice -
Amanda Moore -
Above images:
1. Screenshot from Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope, directed by George Lucas (1977)
2. Screenshot from Ghost in the Shell, directed by Mamoru Oshii (1995)
3. Screenshot from Small Talk, directed by Huang Hui-chen (2016)
3. Screenshot from The Favourite, directed by Yorgos Lanthimos (2018)