Explore Thesis projects from the Class of 2021
Fall 2020
Review Book: https://issuu.com/mitarchitecture/docs/20-01-05_marchthesisbookletsqsinglep
Master of Architecture (M.Arch)
Website: https://www.mitmarchthesis.com/theses
Post -arium
Arditha Auriyane
Advisor: Mariana Ibanez
Priced Out of Paradise: Reconsidering cooperatives in response to climate gentrification in Miami’s communities of color
Adiel Alexis Benitez
Advisor: Miho Mazereeuw
To Know is to Empower: Chagos Institute of Environmental Humanities
Chen Chu
Advisor: Miho Mazereew
Reclaiming the Estranged: Reimagining the Architecture of the Excess
Sydney Cinalli
Advisor: Brandon Clifford, Deborah Garcia
Ferrous Futures: Scenario Planning for Global Steel
Charlotte D'Acierno, Clarence Lee, Jaehun Woo
Advisor: Mariana Ibanez
Seven Ways of Reading The House of the Seven Gables
Isadora Dannin
Advisor: Mark Jarzombek
Gardens of Resistance
Nynika Jhaveri
Advisor: Azra Aksamija
After Aura: Authorship, Automation, Authenticity
Kailin J. Jones
Advisor: Azra Aksamija
The Factory of Coexistence
Melika Konjicanin
Advisor: Cristina Parreño Alonso
Screen Time
Jeffrey Landman
Advisor: Rania Ghosn
Architecture for Revision
Emma Pfeiffer
Advisor: Rosalyne Shieh
David Allen White
Advisor: Mark Jarzombek
Spring 2021
Review Book: https://issuu.com/mitarchitecture/docs/21-05-21_allthesisbookletpages
Master of Architecture (M.Arch)
Website: https://mit-march-sp21.com/
The Houseful(l)ness of Public Space
Xio Alvarez (M.Arch & MCP)
Advisor: Miho Mazereeuw, Larry Vale
Still Standing: Cooperative strategies for the renovation of Soviet mass housing
Ben Hoyle, Eytan Levi (M.Arch & MSRED)
Advisor: Ana Miljački
Concetividad Alegal: Remaking and Resilience in the bay of Havana
Lucas Igarzabal, Marissa Concetta Waddle
Advisor: Hans Tursack
M.I.celium mexicanus: Rejecting Modernity through Zapotec Futurism
Lynced Torres
Advisor: Sheila Kennedy
View project site here!
Heirlooms: In Search of the Fifth Ecology
Erin Wong
Advisor: Sheila Kennedy
Building / Unbuilding
Andrew Younker
Advisor: Azra Akšamija
Space of Mind: The Hidden Architecture in the Time of Pandemic
Ziyu Xu
Advisor: Axel Killian
Master of Science in Architecture Studies (SMArchS)
SMArchS Architecture + Urbanism
Third Landscape
Dries Carmeliet
Advisor: Rania Ghosn
Mediating Chana: Seeding Synergies Between Doves and Development
Eakapob Huangthanapan
Advisor: Miho Mazereeuw
Mokumitsu Districts in Tokyo: Urban Renewal by Housing Cooperatives against Disaster Risk
Ryuhei Ichikura
Advisor: Miho Mazereeuw
To Build Home and To Live In (U)Hygge
Wuyahuang Li
Advisor: Mark Jarzombek
Collecting Ideals: Re-Envisioning Ejidos as Climate-Action Platforms
Luis Alberto Meouchi Velez
Advisor: Lorena Bello Gomez, Nicholas de Monchaux
Made in Rural China
Siyuan Sheng
Advisor: Brent Ryan
Generative Urban Design toward Thermal Synergy: Inspire sustainable urban configuration under distributive heating & cooling schemes
Qianqian Wan
Advisor: Caitlin Mueller
SMArchS Architecture Design
Velvet Garage: Narratives of an Education in Architecture
Marianna Gonzalez-Cervantes
Advisor: Liam O'Brien
Nightrise: Through the Valley of Jabal ‘Amil’s Shadow
Mohamad Nahleh
Advisor: Sheila Kennedy
SMArchS Building Technology
Mass Balance: Design Strategies for Lightweight, Thermally Massive Construction Systems
Eduardo Gascón Alvarez
Advisor: Caitlin Mueller
Evaluating Overheating Preventative Measures in Residential Buildings and Passive Survivability
Yesufu Oladipo
Advisor: Les Norford
SMArchS Computation
A Machine Learning Model for Understanding How Users Value Designs: Applications for Designers and Consumers
Jeremy Bilotti (SMArchS Computation & SM in CS)
Advisor: Terry Knight
The Untold Narratives
Rania Sameh Kaadan
Advisor: Terry Knight
Sonic Others: Metaphorical Sonification of Collective Events
Wonki Kang
Advisor: Axel Killian
Networking Knowledge and Experience: An Instrumental System for the Personal Development of Individual Designers
Bowen Lu
Advisor: George Stiny
Sonic Urban Transformations: A Computational Model to Study and Represent Temporal Changes in the Walking Experience
Elina Oikonomaki
Advisor: Terry Knight
Monstrous Space: Architectural Production in an Age of Algorithms
Alexandra Waller
Advisor: Larry Sass
Investigating Design Intentions: Use of Eye Tracking and Machine Leearning to Study Perception of Architecture
Xiaoyun Zhang
Advisor: Takehiko Nagakura
SMArchS History, Theory & Criticism
"A Great Civilizing Agent": Architecture at MIT, Drawing Education, and Boston's Cultural Elite, 1865-1881
Katherine Dubbs
Advisor: Arindam Dutta
Surveilling Sin: Locating Sodomy in the Early Modern Florentine Bathhouse
Aidan Flynn
Advisor: Kristel Smentek, Jodi Cranston
SMArchS Aga Khan Program
Fractured and Dissolved, Architecture Ablaze: Towards an Understanding of Ayeneh-Kari in Iranian Palaces
Reza Daftarian
Advisor: Nasser Rabbat
Scripting Inclusion
Amanda Merzaban
Advisor: Renee Green
Master of Science in Building Technolgy (SMBT)
Using Urban Building Energy Modeling to Meet Carbon Emission Targets: A Case Study of Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Zachary Berzolla
Advisor: Christoph Reinhart
Early Design Stage Building Lifecycle Analysis (LCA) of Cost & Carbon Impact: A Seamless Addition to the Conceptual Design Process
Jingyi Liu
Advisor: Jeremy Gregory, Randy Kirchain, Les Norford
Machine Learning for Human Design: Developing Next Generation Sketch-Based Tools
Bryan Ong Wen Xi (SMBT & MEng in CEE)
Advisor: Caitlin Mueller
On the Relationship Between Spatial-Temporal Outdoor Thermal Comfort Simulations and Bike Ridership
Elizabeth Young
Advisor: Christoph Reinhart
Bachelor of Science in Art and Design (BSAD)
Digital Narratives for Self-Therapy
Rachel Seo Yeon Kwak
Advisor: Lee Moreau
Digital Communities x Collaborative Storytelling
Clare Liut (BSAD & SB in 2A)
Advisor: Mikael Jakobsson
Concrete Alternatives for Large Scale Additive Manufacturing
Chloe Nelson-Arzuaga
Advisor: Skylar Tibbits
Image Credits:
01. Ferrous Futures. Courtesy of Charlotte D’Acierno, Clarence Lee and Jaehun Woo (MArch).
02. Space of Mind. Courtesy of Ziyu Xu (MArch).
03. Nightrise. Courtesy of Mohamad Nahleh (SMArchS Architecture Design)
04. Untold Narratives. Courtesy of Rania Kaadan (SMArchS Computation).
05. Mediating Chana. Courtesy of Eakapob Huangthanapan (SMArchS Urbanism).
06. To Build Home and To Live In (U)Hygge. Courtesy of Wuyahuang Li (SMArchS Urbanism).
07. Concetividad Alegal. Courtesy of Lucas Igarzabal and Marissa Concetta Waddle (MArch).
08. The Houseful(l)ness of Public Space. Courtesy of Xio Alvarez (MArch + MCP).
09. Mass Balance. Courtesy of Eduardo Gascón Alvarez (SMArchS Building Technology).
10. Early Design Stage Building Lifecycle Analysis (LCA) of Cost & Carbon Impact. Courtesy of Jingyi Liu (SMBT).