Explore Imprint 02

Imprint is a publication designed and compiled by graduate students at MIT Architecture--a collective document that makes space for every student who chooses to participate. It is a material trace that documents the Department of Architecture over the course of one semester.
Each issue encapsulates current critical and creative works, produced across discipline groups and programs, and in various formats. Imprint 02 shakes hands with Imprint 01--an extension, a memory, a simple "hello!" to a long-lost friend. This second issue, conceived of during a dispersed Spring semester, continues to rely on the future commitments of students to transform these volumes into an ongoing, immortal archive. Imprint 02 is inherently characterized as a complex reflection of work, temporally bounded and unbounded. We continue to collect together, study apart, design alone, but Imprint continues to unite students, faculty, and staff in digital and printed legacies.*
Read more about the inaugural issue Imprint 01 here, or view on Issuu.
Imprint 02 was edited by Bella Carmelita Carriker, Carol-Anne Rodrigues and Meriam Soltan, with Miko McGinty.